About the conference


The 9th Warsaw Conference on Perspectives of Molecular Oncology:

Molecular Immunology of Cancer


                                                   11-13 September 2024

Please click to join the conference.
                                                      Virtual Conference                                       

Virtual meeting- no registration fee. 

Ogranizing Committee

The 5th Warsaw Conference on Perspectives of Molecular Oncology: Molecular Immunology of Cancer is a part of series of annual meetings organized by Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw since 2015. The previous four meetings were regional but this year it will be the international event for the first time.  The main goal of these annual meetings is to bring together the cancer researchers, clinicians, pathologist and molecular diagnosticians to inspire and build knowledge, establish collaborations and international connections. The 2020 conference is dedicated to basic and translational research in molecular oncology with a particular focus on the crosstalk between the cancer and immunity.

Given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19, and after careful consideration of the current and expected situation, we have decided to move the conference to a fully virtual meeting. The virtual 5WCPMO will be held on September 23 and 24.


The sessions’ content include:

cancer biomarkers

CAR-T technology

exosome biology

exosomes in immunity

immune system against cancer

immunotherapy site effects


modern immunotherapy


new therapies

patient derived xenografts

Important dates:

September 15th, 2020 – the deadline for submission of abstracts 

September 20th, 2020 – the deadline for the final general registration.

Accepted poster sending (poster presentations should be submitted as a pdf file with no more that 5 ppt slides).



Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology

The Conference and Education Center,

Roentgena 5 Str. Warsaw, Poland